Monday, January 24, 2011

Intro and First Chapter of the 2011 Spring Semester

Hello All!

      The blog is a little rough right now. I intend to get some more info up ASAP. This blog is meant for Alpha Phi members, Alumni, Family members, and of course any woman who are intrested in being apart of this wonderful organization!

      What I really wanted to post about today was Delta Beta's first Chapter meeting of the Spring 2011 semester. We have some great people on our Exectutive Board;

Chapter President: Ashley Thornton
VP of Program Developement: Chelsea Gaines
VP of Chapter Operations: Hollie Spradlin
VP of Membership Recruitment: Shawn Phythian
VP of Marketing: Kelsey Britt
Director of Administration: Lauren Wheelock
Panhellenic Delegate: Suzanne Stormer

Chapter tonight really got me pumped up for the semester. There's a lot of change that is going to be happening in the Chapter.  I am so proud to be a part of this Sorority! This semester may just top last semester. :)

I appriciate and am always open to suggestions, questions, and comments. Please feel free to leave one.

-Sarah DeGarso